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Evaluating strategy and developing a new approach to help increase income from government and private donors

About the UNESCO

UNESCO is a UN Agency, based in Paris, which brings people and nations together through education, culture and science. The International Fund for Cultural Diversity (IFCD) is part of UNESCO and seeks to fund the cultural and creative industries in developing countries.

What we did for them

We partnered with the Italian-based Methods, Analysis and Economic Evaluations consultancy IZI ( to help the IFCD evaluate their existing fundraising and communications strategy and develop a new one for the coming 5 year period. In particular, our strategy addressed the need to increase voluntary contributions from donor governments, and reach out to the private sector, to encourage support from companies, foundations and individuals.

Working with IZI and IFCD staff, we identified key factors affecting the current approach to fundraising and communications, representing both opportunities and challenges, and were able to recommend mechanisms for improving their results through investing in the areas most likely to achieve returns.Our strategy was accepted in full by the Board of the IFCD and is currently being enacted.
