Marketing and communications

Charities must constantly communicate with donors, supporters, public bodies, and staff. Getting your message across succinctly, coherently and consistently is vital to gaining the support you need to thrive.

With decades of experience, we can help with marketing, communications, design and accessibility to ensure your messages resonate with all stakeholders, irrespective of ability, across all channels. Whether it’s research, copywriting or visual design for digital, social or traditional media, we can manage the whole process or support in-house teams to deliver strategic communications that provide the best return on your marketing investment.

A pencil alluding to marketing and communications


Understanding your audience is critical if you want your messages to resonate. We conduct a discovery stage for all of our projects, where we immerse ourselves in your organisation and culture, audit existing communications, and listen to key stakeholders' views, insights, concerns, and aspirations. Whether through focus groups, user analysis and journeys, workshops, or 1-2-1 interviews, we are reactive to the findings, allowing them to inform the brief and guide the project.

Jonathan Cook

Research lead

Jonathan has extensive supporter insight and fundraising and marketing experience from 20 years in the sector.


Understanding your audience is critical if you want your messages to resonate. We conduct a discovery stage for all of our projects, where we immerse ourselves in your organisation and culture, audit existing communications, and listen to key stakeholders' views, insights, concerns, and aspirations. Whether through focus groups, user analysis and journeys, workshops, or 1-2-1 interviews, we are reactive to the findings, allowing them to inform the brief and guide the project.


Design is the visual manifestation of research, copywriting, and accessibility. It engages the audience through coherent layout, content structure, information architecture, and user experience to generate reaction and recall. It’s the balancing act of being on brand, on brief, on point, and on message.

Our services include brand development, campaign identities, advertising, marketing, website and digital design and development, and design and production for print.

Piers Rutterford

Creative director

Piers has decades of experience working with third sector organisations consulting on branding, writing advertising campaigns, developing fundraising materials and producing event collateral.

Dominic Rutterford

Technical and accessibility lead

With a keen eye on branding and its implementation, Dominic has worked with organisations across the charity, not-for-profit, and third sector for thirty years, rolling out communications across all media channels.